Friday, October 15, 2010

Living in paradise on earth

Lok Sabha passes law to ensure senior citizens are not left at their children’s
"Parents are expected to take care of their children. Now children too
had better take care of their parents or they can land up in jail".

Reading this gave me a jolt and shock. I had read about dumping of parents
in the Old-Age-Homes and Senior Citizen Wards in Yahoo groups and
emails and their sufferings but I am blessed and fortunate to have children
who not only takes care of us but make our life enjoyable with present
generation gadgets and utilities at our service.
my memories started going backwards ... but not very far say 7years.
My son suggested or should I say insisted that I give up working and totally retire
from service. I was only 59 and I had not thought of giving up service at least for
another 8-10 years. But my daughter and wife joined to give support to my son's
proposal. "You are tied up with your business and work and we are not able to
go places and we have to stick on here and leave your ego and selfish thinking'
was the demand. Added was the High BP giving me company and posting a
reminder of it presence every now and then.

My son is in the USA and he and my daughter wanted me and my wife to have a
relaxed life; going places;, regular health check-ups and exercise, spiritual activities
of your choice, reading books, browsing etc. I started working on this belief and agenda.

To begin with we settled down in a comfortable flat in Bangalore where my daughter
was working. They (my daughter and son) arranged a tv for my wife and one for me
to suit my taste of entertainment. He gave each of us a computer (for me a desk-top
and laptop for my wife). We had our choice of music and devotional DVD's and CDs.
The life entirely had changed from live-to-earn and earn-to-live to do-what-you-please
and enjoy and watch the world attitude.

We had big celebration of my 60th BDay in Bangalore followed by a eat-meet and chat
session in Chennai.

Then he arranged our first trip to the USA and life's outlook further changed. We had seen
New York, LA, LasVegas as if in a dream and like a child left alone in a big toy-shop.
This was followed by three more visits making us feel at home in US as much as in India.
Each trip had different state visits like Seattle, Boston, Colorado besides Houston and Texas.
Besides as free coupon for purchases we had trip to Dubai, Malaysia and Singapore.

My daughter started taking us around in the recent trips and she had the uncanny ability to
browse and get sites for watching cricket, Tamil and Hindi Serials free and also for taking us to
different places, libraries, shops and restaurants. Besides she takes care of our daily needs
and make us feel like 'Obama' minus the worries.

We now have in the royal life in India a Robot floor cleaner they call 'Roomba'
A telescope for night sky watching
A Wii --you can use it for yoga or Aerobic or regular exercise or play tennis, bowling or running
A beautiful car
An I-pad for pod-cast, browsing, music, Video, tv, e-books and audio books all at your service
in your hand.

If this s not paradise in life what is?

Children do take care and love you and I may not be able to reciprocate anymore
except be respect full for the love given to us!!!